My teaching philosophy is built on the pillars of creating a growth mindset, nurturing self-esteem, and encouraging curiosity. I believe that fostering a growth mindset empowers students to embrace challenges, viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Nurturing self-esteem is essential for students to gain confidence in their abilities, enabling them to take bold creative risks. Encouraging curiosity sparks a passion for exploration and a deep engagement with their interests.
— John-Morgan

Teaching Experience

Adjunct Faculty, Mannes School of Music, The New School, New York City, 2018-present

Lecturer of Music (full-time, non-tenure track), University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, 2014 - 2017

  • UMass Lowell DifferenceMaker®, Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellow for College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

  • Massachusetts Governor’s Council on Creative Economy, designee for President Martin Meehan for the UMass Lowell seat on the council.

  • Served on Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Master of Public Policy Steering Committee, co-designed Arts and Humanities track in the new degree program.

  • Chair, Music Department Undergraduate Recruitment and Marketing Committee.

  • Performed regularly on Recital Hour and Applied Seminars. 

  • Music Department Social Media and Communications Coordinator.

  • Served on Chancellor’s Music Series Planning Committee.

Visiting Lecturer of Music, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA 2013 - 2014

Teaching Artist, Harmony Program, New York, NY, 2010 – 2011


  • Applied Horn Lessons

  • Arts Administration and Marketing (Graduate Level)

  • Musicianship and Analysis I-IV

  • Aural Skills IV

  • Basic Theory for Non-Music Majors

  • Instrumental Repertoire and Rehearsal Techniques

  • Introduction to Graduate Studies

  • The Entrepreneurial Musician (Graduate Level)

  • General Music Education Methods II

  • Practical Intonation

  • University String Ensemble

  • Mixed Chamber Ensemble Coach (multiple)

UMass Lowell String Ensemble, images courtesy of Tory Germann Photography

UMass Lowell String Ensemble, images courtesy of Tory Germann Photography