“My teaching philosophy is built on the pillars of creating a growth mindset, nurturing self-esteem, and encouraging curiosity. I believe that fostering a growth mindset empowers students to embrace challenges, viewing them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles. Nurturing self-esteem is essential for students to gain confidence in their abilities, enabling them to take bold creative risks. Encouraging curiosity sparks a passion for exploration and a deep engagement with their interests.”
Teaching Experience
Adjunct Faculty, Mannes School of Music, The New School, New York City, 2018-present
Lecturer of Music (full-time, non-tenure track), University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA, 2014 - 2017
UMass Lowell DifferenceMaker®, Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellow for College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.
Massachusetts Governor’s Council on Creative Economy, designee for President Martin Meehan for the UMass Lowell seat on the council.
Served on Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Master of Public Policy Steering Committee, co-designed Arts and Humanities track in the new degree program.
Chair, Music Department Undergraduate Recruitment and Marketing Committee.
Performed regularly on Recital Hour and Applied Seminars.
Music Department Social Media and Communications Coordinator.
Served on Chancellor’s Music Series Planning Committee.
Visiting Lecturer of Music, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA 2013 - 2014
Teaching Artist, Harmony Program, New York, NY, 2010 – 2011
Applied Horn Lessons
Arts Administration and Marketing (Graduate Level)
Musicianship and Analysis I-IV
Aural Skills IV
Basic Theory for Non-Music Majors
Instrumental Repertoire and Rehearsal Techniques
Introduction to Graduate Studies
The Entrepreneurial Musician (Graduate Level)
General Music Education Methods II
Practical Intonation
University String Ensemble
Mixed Chamber Ensemble Coach (multiple)
UMass Lowell String Ensemble, images courtesy of Tory Germann Photography